Conferences, Expert Workshops, and Talks

We have initiated, coordinated, and participated in many conferences, expert workshops, seminars, and talks. You can find our upcoming events and information on registration here, and a full list of our events below:
Talking Series, Episode 28: "Cultural Diversity and Legal Pluralism in Cases of Sexual Relations with Indigenous Girls Below the Legal Age of Consent: Practices Apparently Permitted by Their Culture and Prohibited by Criminal Law in Argentina and Bolivia", Speaker Luis Abel Zárate Meriles, Chair Prof Dr Clara Burbano Herrera, Organisers IMPACTUM and Rights in Context teams, Ghent University, 26 February 2025, Ghent, Belgium;
Talking Series, Episode 27: "The case of the amnesty law: Brazil's failure to comply with the decision of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights", Speaker Prof Kristal Moreira Gouveia, Chair Prof Dr Clara Burbano Herrera, Organisers IMPACTUM and Rights in Context teams, Ghent University, 29 January 2025, Ghent, Belgium;
Expert Workshop "Human Rights Behind Bars", Organised by Prof Dr Clara Burbano Herrera, and Prof Dr Yves Haeck, Ghent University, 12-13 December 2024, Ghent, Belgium;
IMPACTUM International Advisory Board Meeting, Organised by Prof Dr Clara Burbano Herrera, Ghent University, 12 December 2024, Ghent, Belgium;
Expert Panel, 'Education under threat in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC): How to ensure that the EU Global Gateway Strategy takes into account the inclusion of vulnerable groups?', Organised by International Network for Human Rights Europe (RIDHE), Panelist, Prof Dr Clara Burbano Herrera, 2 December 2024, Brussels, Belgium;
Talking Series, Episode 26: "Debate on the Status of Human Rights Agreements in Brazilian law", Speaker Prof Kristal Moreira Gouveia, Chair Prof Dr Clara Burbano Herrera, Organisers IMPACTUM and Rights in Context teams, Ghent University, 27 November 2024, Ghent, Belgium;
Talking Series, Episode 25: "Reimagining violence: a criminological analysis of 21st century Latin American cinema", Speaker Prof Dr Maylen Villamañan Alba, Chair Prof Dr Clara Burbano Herrera, Organisers IMPACTUM and Rights in Context teams, Ghent University, 8 November 2024, Ghent, Belgium;
Talking Series, Episode 24: "Violence stop: Developing protocols and guidelines for care and protecting women and children in Cuba", Speaker Prof Dr Maylen Villamañan Alba, Chair Prof Dr Clara Burbano Herrera, Organisers IMPACTUM and Rights in Context teams, Ghent University, 30 October 2024, Ghent, Belgium;
Talking Series, Episode 23: "The African Court on Human and Peoples' Rights and the Preservation of the Rights of Detainees", Speaker Prof Dr Serges Frédéric Mboumegne Dzesseu, Chair Prof Dr Clara Burbano Herrera, Organisers IMPACTUM and Rights in Context teams, Ghent University, 16 October 2024, Ghent, Belgium;
Talking Series, Episode 22: "Environmental and Human Rights Laws in Investment Arbitration", Speaker Prof Dr Diego Agullo, Chair Prof Dr Yves Haeck, Organisers IMPACTUM and Rights in Context teams, Ghent University, 25 September 2024, Ghent, Belgium;
Conference: Association of Human Rights Institutes (AHRI), 'Human Rights in a Polarized World – Realizing Human Rights in the Green and Just Transition', Panelists Dr Maria Jose Luque Macias, Dr Alessandra Cuppini, Kate Murphy, Charlotte Vercammen and Germán Parra Gallego, Organisers Lund University, 13-14 September, Lund, Sweden;
Talking Series, Episode 21: "Climate crisis, finally an entry point to discuss the human rights impacts of private security", Speakers Prof Diana Milena Murcia Riaño and Dr Antoine Perret, Chair Prof Dr Clara Burbano Herrera, Organisers IMPACTUM and Rights in Context teams, Ghent University, 3 July 2024, Ghent, Belgium;
Conference: the implementation and domestic impact of the decisions of the African Court on Human & People’s Rights, "Analysing the Impact beyond compliance", Prof Dr Clara Burbano Herrera, Organisers Pretoria University, and the African Court on Human and Peoples' rights, 21- 22 June, Arusha, Tanzania;
Summer School, Human Rights and Persons Deprived of Liberty, together with the Global Campus of Human Rights, IMPACTUM Team and Human Rights in Context, the Directors of the Summer Course are Prof Dr Manfred Nowak and Prof Dr Clara Burbano Herrera, 18 - 21 June, 2024; Ghent, Belgium;
Seminar: "Colombia and Human Rights at Ghent University", Prof Dr Clara Burbano Herrera and Prof Dr Yves Haeck; Organisers The Cesam Platform, Ghent University, Ghent, 14 June 2024, Belgium;
Expert Workshop: "The Road from Transitional Justice to Reconciliation", Participants, Prof Dr Yves Haeck and Prof Dr Clara Burbanbo Herrera; Organisers The Ohio State University and Deusto University, Deusto University, 23-24 May 2024, Bilbao, Pais Vasco, Spain;
Talking Series, Episode 20: "Unveiling violence against indigenous women in the Latin American cinema of filmmaker women, Speaker Prof Dr Maylen Villamañan, Chair Prof Dr Clara Burbano Herrera, Organisers IMPACTUM and Rights in Context teams, Ghent University, 8 May 2024, Ghent, Belgium;
Talking Series, Episode 19: "La Super", Speaker Cuban Director Ernesto Piña, Chair Prof Dr Clara Burbano Herrera and Maylen Villamañan, Organisers IMPACTUM and Rights in Context teams, Ghent University, 30 April 2024, Ghent Belgium;
Talking Series, Episode 18: "Shaping Transitional Justice: The role of Afro women organisations in the Colombian Peace Process", Speaker Prof Dr Adelaida Ibarra, Chair Prof Dr Clara Burbano Herrera, Organisers IMPACTUM and Rights in Context teams, Ghent University, 24 April 2024, Belgium;
Expert Panel, 'Best Practices in the Regional Protection of Human Rights', Moderator Prof Dr Killander, Panelists, Prof Dr Murungi Nkatha, Prof Dr Yves Haeck, and Prof Dr Clara Burbano Herrera, Centre for Human Rights, University of Pretoria, 19 April 2024, Pretoria, South Africa;
Lecture 'The Inter-American Human Rights System in a comparative perspective'; Guest Prof Dr Clara Burbano Herrera, Faculty of Law, University of Pretoria, 18 April 2024, Pretoria, South Africa;
Lecture 'The European Human Rights System in a Comparative Perspective'; Guest Prof Dr Yves Haeck, Faculty of Law, University of Pretoria, 18 April 2024, Pretoria, South Africa;
Talking Series, Episode 17: "Women deprived of their Liberty: The Latin-American Context", Speaker Dr Maria Noel Rodriguez, Chair Prof Dr Clara Burbano Herrera, Organisers IMPACTUM and Rights in Context teams, Ghent University, 27 March 2024, Belgium;
Talking Series, Episode 16: "Human Rights Defenders and their Right to Say No", Speakers Ms Carolina Monje and Wilder Aguilar, Chair Prof Dr Clara Burbano Herrera, Organisers IMPACTUM, Rights in Context teams and CATAPA, Ghent University, 27 March 2024, Belgium;
Lecture 'The situation of persons deprived of liberty in the Americas: Problems and Challenges'; Guest Prof Dr Clara Burbano Herrera, Faculty of Law, University of Costa Rica, 15 March, 2024, San Jose, Costa Rica;
Public Hearing, Inter-American Court of Human Rights, Advisory Opinion on the Right of Care and its links with other rights, Speakers Prof Dr Clara Burbano Herrera and Mr German Parra (PhD Researcher), 14 March 2024, San Jose, Costa Rica;
Expert Workshop, ‘Latinoamericanizacion: International, Transnational and Comparative, MPI 1924-2024' Assessing the Symbolic Impact of Urgent Measures in Protecting at risk Detainees in Latin America’, Prof Dr Clara Burbano Herrera (invited speaker), Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law, Heidelberg, 26 - 27 February 2024, Germany;
Talking Series, Episode 15: "Velasquez Rodríguez vs Honduras: The starting point of evidence regime of the IACtHR", Speaker Mr Genaro Manrique, Chair Prof Dr Yves Haeck, Organisers IMPACTUM and Rights in Context teams, Ghent University, 28 February 2024, Belgium;
Talking Series, Episode 14: "Transnational Criminality in Latin America", Speaker Dr Nicolas Santamaria, Chair Prof Dr Clara Burbano Herrera, Organisers IMPACTUM and Rights in Context teams, Ghent University, 31 January 2024, Belgium;
Presentation IMPACTUM Project, Speaker Prof Dr Clara Burbano Herrera, Universidad del Atlantico, Organisers Ghent University, the CESAM Platform, UGent Alumni, 14 December 2023, Colombia;
Presentation IMPACTUM Project, Speaker Prof Dr Clara Burbano Herrera, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Organisers Ghent University, the CESAM Platform, UGent Alumni, 13 December 2023, Colombia;
Ghent University Institutional Mission to Colombia, Prof Dr Clara Burbano Herrera, Representative for the Faculty of Law and Criminology, Organisers Ghent University, the CESAM Platform, UGent Alumni, 11 to 16 December 2023, Colombia;
Talking Series, Episode 12: 'Human Rights in Latin America: The NGOsteerIACtHR Project ", Speakers Dr Maria Jose Luque, Chair Prof Dr Clara Burbano Herrera (Director Rights in Context), Organisers IMPACTUM and Rights in Context teams, Ghent University, 29 November 2023, Belgium;
Presentation, 'Children Deprived of Liberty in the Americas' Prof Dr Clara Burbano Herrera, Organisers Centre for Children's Rights Studies, Université de Genève, 22 November 2023, (online);
Talking Series, Episode 11: 'Human Rights in Latin America: The Right to Education and Academic Freedom in Nicaragua", Speakers Mr Roger Lara (exiled Nicaraguan leader), Edgar Blanco (exiled Nicaraguan leader), Mr Adrianus Koetsenruijter (President RIDHE), Prof Dr Clara Burbano Herrera (Director Rights in Context), Organisers IMPACTUM and Rights in Context teams, Ghent University, 25 October 2023, Belgium;
Talking Series, Episode 10: 'Human Rights in Latin America: Analysing two films: "Cidade de Deus" and "Elefante Blanco" from a human rights perspective", Speaker Prof Dr Maylen Villamañan Alba, Chair Prof Clara Burbano Herrera, Organisers IMPACTUM Team, Rights in Context, Ghent University, 27 September 2023, Belgium;
IMPACTUM International Advisory Board Meeting, Participants, Prof Dr Clara Burbano Herrera; Prof Dr Manfred Nowak, Prof Dr Yves Haeck, Prof Dr Paulo Pinto de Albuquerque, Prof Dr Hélène Tigroudja, Prof Dr Johan Vande Lanotte, Prof Dr Par Engstrom, Prof Dr Frans Viljoen Prof Dr Gentian Zyberi; Ms Kate Murphy, Ms Luna Negro, Mr German Parra, Ms Alberte Hansen and Charlotte Vercammen, Ghent University, 26 September 2023, Belgium;
International Conference on Implementation and Domestic impact of the decisions of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights, Speaker Prof Dr Clara Burbano Herrera, University of Pretoria, 13-15 September 2023, Pretoria, South Africa;
International Conference, 'AHRI Conference 2023, Human Rights Defenders Under Siege', Speakers Prof Dr Clara Burbano Herrera and Prof Dr Yves Haeck, University of Deusto, 7-9 September 2023, Spain;
Talking Series, Episode 9: 'Human Rights in Latin America: 'Newest Trade Initiatives of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) in relation to natural environment and its intersection with Human Rights', Speaker Denisse Rodriguez, Visiting Research Fellow, Chair Prof Clara Burbano Herrera, Organisers IMPACTUM Team, Rights in Context, Ghent University, 8 July 2023, Belgium;
Summer School, Human Rights and Persons Deprived of Liberty, together with the Global Campus of Human Rights, IMPACTUM Team and Human Rights in Context, the Directors of the Summer Course are Prof Dr Manfred Nowak and Prof Dr Clara Burbano Herrera, 27 June until 30 June, 2023; Ghent, Belgium;
52st Summer School 2023 René Cassin Foundation, Guest speakers, Prof Dr Clara Burbano Herrera, and Prof Yves Haeck, René Cassin Foundation, 26 to 30 June, Strasbourg, France;
Talking Series, Episode 8: 'Human Rights in Latin America: Legal Pluralism, Indigenous Communities and Criminal Systems in Colombia, Bolivia and Argentina’, Speaker Luis Zarate, Visiting Research Fellow, Chair Prof Clara Burbano Herrera, Organisers IMPACTUM Team, Rights in Context, Ghent University, 13 June 2023, Belgium;
Expert Meeting, Day of the Public General Discussion on the SPT draft General Comment on Art. 4 of the OPCAT, Panelists Prof Clara Burbano Herrera, German Parra, UN SubCommittee Against Torture, 8 June 2023, Palais Wilson, Geneva, Switzerland;
Talking Series, Episode 7: 'Human Rights in Latin America: Freedom of Expression and Pluralism in the case of Pueblos Indigenas Maya Kaqchikel de Sumpango v Guatemala’, Speaker Dr Ruben Garcia Higuera, Visiting Research Fellow, Chair Prof Clara Burbano Herrera, Organisers IMPACTUM Team, Rights in Context, Ghent University, 31 May 2023, Belgium;
IMPACTUM meeting, Panelists Prof Clara Burbano Herrera, Charlotte Vercammen, Kate Murphy, German Parra, Luna Negro and Alberte Hansen, Organisers IMPACTUM Team, Ghent University, 25 May 2023, Belgium;
Colloquium, 'Designing interviews and planning field work’, Speaker Ms Mayra Nunez, Chair Prof Clara Burbano Herrera, Organisers IMPACTUM, and Rights in Context, Ghent University, 17 May 2023, Belgium;
Expert Panel, 'Regionalisation of Childrens' Rights', Moderator Simon Nehmen, Panelists; Prof Yves Haeck, and Prof Clara Burbano Herrera, Organisers Centre for Children's Rights Studies, Université de Genève, Geneva, 10 May 2023, Switzerland;
Talking Series, Episode 6: 'Human Rights in Latin America’, Speaker Ms Frauke Decoodt, Associate Research Fellow, Chairs Prof Clara Burbano Herrera and Mario Andres Torres, Organisers IMPACTUM Team, Rights in Context, Ghent University, 27 April 2023, Belgium;
Expert Panel, 'Best Practices in the Regional Protection of Human Rights', Moderator Prof Killander, Panelists, Prof Frans Viljoen, Prof Murungi Nkatha, Prof Yves Haeck, and Prof Clara Burbano Herrera, Organisers Centre for Human Rights, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, 21 April 2023, South Africa;
Expert Panel, 'Perspectives on Transitional Justice and Restorative Justice for Peace-building: Colombia's experience towards the achievement of total peace', Speakers Judge Roberto Vidal Lopez (President of the Special Jurisdiction for Peace in Colombia), Dr Peter Wagner, (Director FPI European Commission), Dr Sergio Jaramillo, Senior Advisor (European Institute of Peace), Moderator, Prof Dr Clara Burbano Herrera, Organisers Embassy of Colombia to Belgium, Luxemburg, NATO and the EU, and the European Institute of Peace, Brussels, 29 March 2023, Belgium;
Talking Series, Episode 5: 'Human Rights in Latin America’, Speaker Ms Sarah Kerremands, PhD Research Fellow, Chairs Prof Clara Burbano Herrera and Mario Andres Torres, Organisers IMPACTUM Team, Rights in Context, Ghent University, 29 March 2023, Belgium;
Talking Series, Episode 4: 'Human Rights in Latin America’, Speaker Mr Genaro Manrique, PhD Research Fellow, Chairs Prof Clara Burbano Herrera, and Mario Andres Torres, Organisers IMPACTUM Team, Rights in Context, Ghent University, 22 February 2023, Belgium;
Seminar, 'Geography of Asymmetries and Chemical Colonialism - A Brazilian Woman Geographer and Human Rights Defender in Exile', Guest Speaker Prof Larissa Bombardi, Chairs Prof Yves Haeck and Prof Clara Burbano Herrera, Organisers the Central and South America Platform (CESAM), IMPACTUM Team, and Rights in Context team, Ghent University, 21 February 2023, Belgium;
Colloquium, 'Human Rights in Nicaragua’, Speakers Mr Thomas Aubineau, Ms Marta Castillo, and Mr Elthon Rivera, Chair Prof Clara Burbano Herrera, Organisers IMPACTUM Team, Rights in Context and the International Network of Human Rights, Ghent University, 9 February 2023, Belgium;
Talking Series, Episode 3: 'Human Rights in Latin America’, Speaker Ms Gretel Mejia, Organisers Prof Clara Burbano Herrera and Mr Mario Andres Torres, IMPACTUM Team together with Rights in Context Team, Ghent University, 25 January 2023, Belgium;
Seminar, 'When Human Rights Are Violated - Examples of Connecting the Local and the Global', Speaker Prof Clara Burbano Herrera, Hasselt University, 8 December, Belgium;
Talking Series, Episode 2: 'Human Rights in Latin America’, Speaker Ms Mayra Nuñez, Organisers and Chairs Prof Clara Burbano Herrera and Mr Mario Andres Torres, IMPACTUM Team together with Rights in Context Team, Ghent University, 30 November 2022, Belgium;
Talking Series, Episode 1: 'Human Rights in Latin America’, Organisers and Chairs Prof Clara Burbano Herrera and Mr Mario Andres Torres, Human Rights Centre, Ghent University, 26 October 2022, Belgium;
Colloquium, ‘ICCAL in CONTEXT: Assessing the Impact of Urgent Measures in Protecting at risk Detainees in Latin America’, Prof Clara Burbano Herrera (invited speaker) Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law, Heidelberg, 14 October 2022, Germany;
Human Rights Committee Holds a Meeting with drafters of The Nijmegen Principles and Guidelines on Interim Measures for the Protection of Human Rights, including Profs Burbano Herrera and Haeck, 19 July 2022;
Summer School, Human Rights and Persons Deprived of Liberty, together with the Global Campus of Human Rights, the Directors of the Summer Course are Prof Manfred Nowak and Prof Clara Burbano Herrera, 5 July until 8 July, 2022;
Expert Panel Discussion: International Dialogue of Experiences and Best Practices for the Construction of a National System for Human Rights Defenders and Journalists in Mexico, Intervention as an Expert Prof Clara Burbano Herrera, Organised by UNESCO and Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mexico, 7 June 2022. The event was live-streamed;
Seminar ‘The Responsibility of Non-state Actors in the Case of Atrocity Crimes’. Introductory lecture given by the International Francqui Chair Prof dr David Scheffer (Northwestern University). Chairs Prof Yves Haeck, Human Rights in Context, and Prof Tom Roys, GRILI, Ghent University, Friday 29 April 2022. The event was live-streamed;
Oral Presentation, "The Role of Provisional measures adopted by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights in Protecting at-risk Detainees in Latin America", Presentation given by Prof Burbano Herrera, The 8th European Conference on Health Law, Ghent University, Belgium, 21 April 2022, information here
Expert Panel Discussion: Best Practices in the Regional Protection of Human Rights. Moderator Prof Magnus Killander, University of Pretoria, Panelists: Prof Frans Viljoen, Director Human Rights Centre, University of Pretoria, Prof Yves Haeck, Director Rights in Context, Ghent University, Prof Clara Burbano Herrera, Director Rights in Context, Ghent University, Dr Nkatha Murungi, Director Centre for Human rights, University of Pretoria, Prof Magnus Killander, Head of Research, Centre for Human Rights, University of Pretoria, South Africa, 8 April 2022;
International conference, ‘ICCAL in CONTEXT', Human Rights in Context (Ghent University) and the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law (Germany), 25 March 2022. The event was live-streamed;
Workshop ‘Russia’s War Against Ukraine & the World’, Presentation given by Dr Alina Cherviatsova, organised by the Human Rights Centre, the Programme for Studies on Human Rights (Ghent University), and Kule Institute for Advanced Study, University of Alberta, 17 March 2022, information here;
Expert Workshop, ‘Captured by the past: Monuments-Conflicts-Law’, together with the Human Rights Centre, Ghent University, Belgium, 21 January 2022; video
Roundtable, ‘Narratives of Sustainability in International Law‘, together with Carleton University, Ghent University, 9 November 2021;
International Conference, ‘6th Coimbra International Conference on Human Rights a Transdisciplinary Approach’, Coimbra University, Portugal, 12-14 October 2021;
Turkey Tribunal 'Public Hearings', Prof Dr Burbano Herrera appointed Registrar, the Judges Prof. Em. Dr. Françoise Tulkens (Belgium), acting as President; Adj. Prof. Angelita Baeyens (Colombia/Belgium); Prof. Dr Ledi Bianku (Albania); Prof. Em. Dr. Giorgio Malinverni (Switzerland); Dr. John Pace (Australia); Prof Dr Justice Johann Van Der Westhuizen (South Africa), Geneva, 19 - 26 September 2021; video
Expert Meeting, 'The Situation of Human Rights Defenders in Latin-America: The Effects of the Pandemic and the EU strategy', with The International Network of Human Rights/Europe (RIDHE), 30 June 2021;
Expert Meeting, 'Latin-American Ius Commune on Human Rights in Context: Meeting the Constitutional Court of Peru', with the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law (Heidelberg, Germany) and the Peruvian Constitutional Court, 21 June 2021;
Third Expert Meeting, 'Urgent Measures' Principles and Guidelines', Participants Prof C. Burbano-Herrera, Human Rights in Context; Prof Y. Haeck, Human Rights in Context; Prof C. Flinterman, Maastricht University, former member UN Human Rights Committee (HRCtee) and Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW); Ms B. Griffey, Amnesty International; Prof J. Harrington, University of Alberta; Prof P. Leach, Middlesex University, European Human Rights Advocacy Centre (EHRAC); Dr R. Möhrlein, University of Amsterdam; Ms R. Pillay, International Commission of Jurists; and Prof E. Rieter, Radboud University Nijmegen; 26 May 2021;
Roundtable 'Regionalisation of Children's Rights' with the participation of Prof C. Burbano Herrera, Prof Y. Haeck and Prof B. Menzur (Member UN Committee on the Rights of the Child), organised by Prof K. Hanson and Prof R. Ruggiero, University of Geneva, 20 May 2021;
Roundtable 'Human Rights-Based Approaches to Development' with the participation of Prof C. Burbano-Herrera (chair), organised by Prof W. Vandenhole, University of Antwerp, 4 May 2021;
Second Expert Meeting, 'Urgent Measures' Principles and Guidelines', Participants Prof C.Burbano-Herrera, Director Human Rights in Context; Prof Y. Haeck, Director Human Rights in Context, Ghent University; Prof C. Flinterman, Maastricht University, former member UN Human Rights Committee (HRCtee) and Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW); Ms B. Griffey, Amnesty International; Prof J. Harrington, University of Alberta; Prof P. Leach, Middlesex University, European Human Rights Advocacy Centre (EHRAC); Dr R. Möhrlein, University of Amsterdam; Ms R. Pillay, International Commission of Jurists; and Prof E. Rieter, Radboud University Nijmegen, 29 April 2021;
Expert Meeting, 'Urgency and Human Rights', Panelists Prof C. Burbano-Herrera and Prof Y. Haeck, organised by Prof E Rieter and K Zwaam, Radboud University Nijmege, 5 February 2021 (virtually);
Expert Meeting, 'Latin-American Ius Commune on Human Rights in Context: Meeting the Constitutional Court of Ecuador', with the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law (Heidelberg, Germany) and the Ecuadorian Constitutional Court, 11 December 2020 (virtually);
International Conference, ‘The ECHR Turns 70 – Taking Stock, Thinking Forward’, with the Human Rights Centre, Ghent University, 21 November 2020 (cancelled);
International Conference, 'Rule of Law from Below', with Utrecht University, 29-30 October 2020 (virtually);
Expert Workshop, 'Extraterritorial Human Rights Obligations', with Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, 27-30 September 2020 (virtually);
Workshop, ‘Human Rights Defenders in Colombia: The Context after the Peace Agreement’, with Amnesty International and NGO Broederlijk Delen, March 2020, Ghent University, Belgium;
Workshop, ‘The Right to Water as a Human Right’, Ghent University & De Krook, November 2019, Ghent University, Belgium;
Roundtable, ‘Challenges and the Future of Regional Human Rights Courts‘, October 2019, with University of Pretoria, South Africa;
International Conference, ‘Families Beyond Borders: Migration with or without private international law‘, coordinated by Institute of Private International Law, March 2019, Ghent University, Belgium;
International Conference, ‘Needs and Care Practices for Refugees and Migrants‘, with CESSMIR, September 2018, Ghent University, Belgium;
Expert Workshop, ‘The Impact of Urgent Measures in the Case Law of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights‘, October 2018, University of Bologna, Italy;
Roundtable, ‘Comparative Perspectives on Regional Human Rights Courts‘, with University of Pretoria, South Africa, October 2018;
Summer Course, ‘The Role of Human Rights Defenders and the Situation of Vulnerability in the Americas‘, Fondation René Cassin, Strasbourg, France, July 2018;
Expert Meeting, ‘Socio-environmental conflict and Women Human Rights Defenders in Latin-America: Recommendations for the European Union’, European Parliament, Belgium, 10 January 2018 (Prof. Burbano-Herrera acted as an expert);
Expert Workshop on ‘The Role of NGOs in International Human Rights Litigation’, Université libre de Bruxelles and Universite Catholique de Louvain, 15 November 2017, Belgium;
AHRI Conference 2017, ‘Evaluating the Impact of Provisional Measures from a Comparative Perspective: Could They Guarantee Safe Pregnancy in Kenya?’, Leuven University, 27 April 2017, Belgium
International Conference on Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights, Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights Policy Research, ‘Examining High Rates of Preventable Maternal Mortality in Kenya’, Ghent University (Belgium), 2 December 2016;
International Conference on Regional Tribunals of Human Rights, ‘The Impact of Supervision of Compliance of Judgments of the Regional Tribunals of Human Rights’ , Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law, Heidelberg 7–18 July 2016, Germany;
Discussion forum held by the Washington Policy Roundtable, together with the Inter-American Human Rights Network (IAHRN) and the Center for Justice and International Law (CEJIL), April 2016, Washington;
Expert Workshop, ‘Moving Beyond the Good, the Bad and the Ugly: What to Learn From International Human Rights Systems?’, with the Human Rights Centre, 29-30 January 2016, Ghent University;
Expert Workshop International Conference on 'the Impact of Supervision of Compliance of Judgments of the Regional Tribunals of Human Rights', Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law, 7-18 July 2016, Heidelberg (Germany);
Expert Workshop, 'The Impact and Compliance of Precautionary Measures in the Americas', Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law, 12 May 2016, Heidelberg (Germany);
Expert Workshop “What can be learned from International Human Rights Systems”, Ghent University, 29-30 January 2016, Ghent (Belgium);
Expert Workshop “From the Paradigm of the Fragmentation to the Paradigm of the Dialogue: the Ius Constitutionale Commune in Human Rights in Latin-America and the International Economic Law / Del Paradigma de la Fragmentacion al Paradigma del Dialogo: el Ius Constitutionale Commune en Derechos Humanos en America Latina y el Derecho Economico Internacional”, 4 Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law, , 4-5 December 2015, Heidelberg, Germany;
International Conference, IV Latin-American Legal Congress on Reproductive Rights, 'Legal and extra-legal strategies to guarantee or impede the right to legal and safe abortion', Organised by: Association of Judges for Justice and Democracy (JUSDEM), Andean Community of Jurists (CAJ), the International Committee, Planned Parenthood Global, and the Center for the Promotion and Defense of Sexual and Reproductive Rights (PROMSEX), Lecturer within the Session organized by FXB Center for Health and Human Rights, Harvard University, 2 - 4 November 2015, Lima, Peru;
Expert Workshop, 'Right to Health in International Human Rights Law', Judicial Colloquium in Adjudicating the Right to Health, Judicial Training Institute, World Bank, Harvard University, 30 April 2015, Nairobi, Kenya;
Expert Workshop, 'VI Encuentro Multidisciplinar sobre Pueblos Indígenas. Tensiones y oportunidades generadas por la interrelación entre visiones indígenas y no indígenas', June 2015, Ghent University;
International Conference, 'Looking at the Impact and Compliance of Interim Measures on Detainees in the Americas', Paper Presentation given at the International Conference ‘Urgency and Human Rights,’ 29 May 2015, Radboud University, The Netherlands
International Conference, Latin American Studies Association (LASA) Conference with the IAHRN, May 2015, San Juan; Puerto Rico;
International Conference, 'Urgency and Human Rights', Radboud University, Ghent University, and University of Naples, Nijmegen, May 2015, The Netherlands;
Expert Workshop, 'The IAHRS: Law and Politics of Institutional Change', with the Institute of the Americas, University College London, October 2015, United Kingdom;
Expert Workshop, 'Leverhulme International Network Launch Workshop: Assessing the Impact of the Inter-American Human Rights System', Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México and the Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México, October 2014, Mexico